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Classmates, fellow attendees, and potential attendees of the Central Catholic Class of 70 Reunion,

Well, the registrations for the Class of '70 51 is the new 50 Reunion haven't necessarily been pouring in but we are excited about the progress of the last 12 days if I must say!  We know you all lead busy fulfilling lives, but please, stop with the jelly making, the green bean canning, and dead heading plants!  It can wait (oh wait a minute, I'm the one doing that stuff!)!  Most of you are probably on some fabulous cruise and busy posting pictures on social media!  Maybe I'll post pictures of my chokecherry jelly!  I dare me!

Some of our classmates that have exhibited an emotional commitment as well as the ability to use online payment options are:

Jim "Jonesy" Jones and the wonderful "Mrs. Jonesy"
Marcia "The Jewel" Lambuth Wirt
Lois "The Twin" Loepker Rausch
Linda "The Other Twin" Loepker Hasser
Karen "Harpo" Harless Devine
Tony "Schetz" Schetzle and his amazing wife of ALMOST 50 years, Hattie
Tim "All State Guard" Maloney
Judy "Lance" Murtaugh
Dave "All State Fullback" Metzinger and his lovely Rita (not a meter maid)
Christy "The Splits" Myers Doyle and her Pat 4ever
Roy Ann "The Baby Doc" Mraz
Suzanne "The Bookie" Harris Gilbert and her guy Tom
Barb "Hentschal" Hentschal Hall
Dave "Not the CandyMan" McCord
Jeff "Retired" Whaley

Please get your registration and payment in by the 14th of July.  We are excited about the event and hope you are too!  Yesterday, I happened to be in West Lafayette and as I drove by Win Hentschal Blvd, I smiled with the smug thought that I went to High School with his daughter.  It was a good feeling. Every single one of you bring something special to this event and don't you forget it!

See you then!

The Class of 70 Reunion Committee
