Talk about a a life well lived--it sounds like JoAnne lived life to the fullest with family at the core! Her husband Don lost his brother John just three days before JoAnne died. I can only imagine how difficult this time is for their loved ones.
JoAnne Haan was a cousin, a second cousin, for my grandmother was a Haan. I admired the Haan family for they were just that, a family, a large family in the fullest sense. It is no surprise that she was so dedicated to her own given her upbringing. And it is no surprise that she was a teacher and mentor to elementary school children and a volunteer caregiver in retirement. When my father died and after final words at the St B cemetery, JoAnne spoke with me. Standing just outside the gravesite white tent shelter, crying, JoAnne touched my arm, looked well inside me and simply said "I know your pain Tony". It had not been long after she lost her mother. Her tone, inflections and sincerity was a moment of comfort that lasts today. JoAnne's stairway to heaven was finished decades ago. No doubt it was an rapid transit escalator. Well done JoAnne.
Anne Sanchelli (Schoen)
I'm so sorry to hear of JoAnne's passing. My deepest condolences to her family.
Anne Schoen
Gloria Dux (Klutzke)
Talk about a a life well lived--it sounds like JoAnne lived life to the fullest with family at the core! Her husband Don lost his brother John just three days before JoAnne died. I can only imagine how difficult this time is for their loved ones.
Tony Schetzsle
JoAnne Haan was a cousin, a second cousin, for my grandmother was a Haan. I admired the Haan family for they were just that, a family, a large family in the fullest sense. It is no surprise that she was so dedicated to her own given her upbringing. And it is no surprise that she was a teacher and mentor to elementary school children and a volunteer caregiver in retirement. When my father died and after final words at the St B cemetery, JoAnne spoke with me. Standing just outside the gravesite white tent shelter, crying, JoAnne touched my arm, looked well inside me and simply said "I know your pain Tony". It had not been long after she lost her mother. Her tone, inflections and sincerity was a moment of comfort that lasts today. JoAnne's stairway to heaven was finished decades ago. No doubt it was an rapid transit escalator. Well done JoAnne.