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Central Catholic High School
Class of 1970
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Central Catholic High School
Class of 1970
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Jim Alenduff
Tom Alexander
Kathy Allen
Alice Anderson
Gwen Anderson (Reagan)
Barb Aschenberg (Gustafson)
Tom Batz
Betty Behler (Jones)
Bob Benkeser
Elaine Bertha (Tuttle)
Bob Beutel
Carolyn Bickett (Pruitt)
Jessie Boes (Hall)
Dick Bohling
David Bresnahan (Bresnahan)
Mike Bresnahan
Alice Budewitz (Huffman)
Steven Burnett
Chuck Burns
Nancy Cataldo (Fields)
Mark Cavanaugh
Allan Closson
Doug Coolman
Gordy Cutter
Dave Delaney
Jerry Demerly
Joe DeWenter
Rhonda Dienhart (Ryan)
Barbara Dilts (Inskeep)
Eric Dohrman
Steve Dotson
Mike Drewry
Gloria Dux (Klutzke)
Brett Eberle
Bill Eckman
Dave Edwards
Jim Eller
Katie Emge (Emge)
Connie Etter
Mary Farrell (Farrell-Jones)
Jim Ferringer
Maurie Ferriter
Paul FitzSimons
Kris Force (Swank)
Gj Funcheon
Ed Gagen
Mary George (Lenahan)
Mary Ann Griffin
Anita Guard (Bronaugh)
Jane Haan (Roembke)
JoAnne Haan (Spitznagle)
Cathy Hack (Judge)
Corky Halsema
Rosie Halsema
Karen Harless (Devine)
Gene (Steve) Harris
Suzanne Harris (Gilbert)
Tony Harris
Cathy Hatke (Daniel)
Mary Hatke (Shonkwiller)
Michael Hayes (Hayes)
Theresa Hayes (Hayes)
Denny Heath
Barb Hentschel (Hall)
Eileen Hession (Weiss)
Helen Hession
Chris Horn (Qualman)
Brenda Jarrard
Steve Johnston
James Jones (Jones)
Tony Jones
Patty Kearney (Fugas)
Peggy Kingma
Linda Kline (Franklin)
Laurie Knevel (Compton)
Diane Kochert (Skillen)
Marcia Lambuth (Wirt)
Dave Larhrman
Tom Laws
Keith Lehnen
Tom Libbers
Judy Lippai (Stewart)
Kirk Lodde
Linda Loepker (Hasser)
Lois Loepker (Rausch)
Pat Loro
Joetta Lucterhand
Cary Lundstrom
Christopher Mackey
Mike Mahoney
Timothy Maloney
Carole Martin (Thompson)
Pat Martin
Frank Mathew
Jerry May (May)
Jim May
Dave McCord
Mary McMillen (Kucsan)
Lisa Mellady (Drewry)
Chris Meluch
Dave Metzinger
Bill Meyer
Mary Pat Miller
Steve Moldthan
Royann Mraz
Judy Murtaugh
Christy Myers (Doyle)
Gary Myers
Jeanie Naville (Klippel)
Carol Norris (Pfrommer)
Karen Norris (Nelson)
Jacque Nugent (Keener)
Pat O'Connor
Denny Pfrommer
Sam J Pilotte
Tom Pruitt
Terri Radner (Kirk)
Mike Ramey
Theresa Rardon (Armstrong)
Vicky Rausch
John Reifenrath
Don Rettig
Ralph Richard
Gery Richards
Ann Riehle (Wells)
Greg Roembke
Randy Rottler
Tom Ryan
Anne Sanchelli (Schoen)
Steve Schafer
Susie Schafer
Tony Schetzsle
Mike Schrader
Kit Sebry (Schafer)
Jay Seeger
Janice Sheets (Greener)
Jeanne Slaga (Cruzen)
Barb Smith (McCool)
Connie Smith
Doug Smith
Kathy Smith (Gambs)
Rick Smith
Kenny Spitznagle
Jim Strother
Debra Titus (Riddick)
Randy Turk
Tom Tyrrell
Rick Vaughn
John Walker
Pam Waterstraat
Ren Weber
Micky Weist
Sheila Whalen (Tonne)
Jeff Whaley
Mike Wiese
Stephanie Winter (Lodde)
Shirley Wulff (Benham)
Emma Zidar (Jung)
Steve Zink
Guest Members
Cooper Compton
Brian Hayden
Terry Lucterhand
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